Lighting Up Fairview

At Northern Lights Fiber, we believe everyone deserves access to fast, reliable internet, no matter where they live. We provide fiber internet to residents and businesses in rural communities across Western Canada. We are excited to have begun construction on Fairview‘s new network in November 2022. We are aiming to complete the construction and have the entire town connected by the end of Summer 2023! Sign up early today to get connected as soon as fiber reaches your street!

Northern Lights Fiber is a branch of Canadian Fiber Optics, a telecommunications infrastructure company that designs and constructs fiber networks, provides network maintenance, and delivers high-speed internet in Western Canada. Our mission is to provide superior fiber connectivity to forward-thinking communities and businesses, so they can access the technologies that can help them thrive into the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

How fast is Northern Lights Fiber’s internet service in Fairview?

SUPER FAST! In fact, we offer residential solutions that are among the FASTEST in Canada! But do not worry – we know you probably do not need to go THAT fast. But it’s there for you when you need it. 

What are the advantages of fiber-based internet?

A fiber-optic network provides the fastest and most secure internet possible. Education, business, entertainment, home security, and more can benefit from a secure, reliable fiber network. With a fast, fiber-based internet connection, you could enjoy… 

  • Better experiences with remote work and at-home learning
  • Faster upload and download speeds 
  • Smoother streaming (without waiting for videos to buffer)
  • Increased security with the latest home security systems
  • Access to the latest smart technologies for healthcare, home automation, and more
  • The ability to use multiple online devices simultaneously
  • And more!

How is Northern Lights Fiber different from other internet service providers?

For one thing, we know that rural communities are underserved, so we focus on connecting rural Canada first and foremost. 

You’ll also enjoy faster, more reliable connections on our network. That’s because we use the latest and greatest technology, like WiFi 6, to ensure a smooth experience, even when you have multiple devices connected at the same time. 

Plus, we’re committed to using only Canadian and North American vendors to provide a high-quality connection you can trust.

What other products are offered by Northern Lights Fiber?

In addition to fast, reliable internet service, we offer WiFi Mesh and parental controls to further improve your online experience. Visit our Products & Pricing page to learn more.

What is Wi-Fi Mesh? Do I need it?

Our Wi-Fi is a way to amplifying or boosting the Wi-Fi signal in your house! If you live in a big house or just want faster speeds throughout your house – the Wi-Fi (aka Extender) may be helpful. 

When will construction start?

Construction has actually already started (you just haven’t seen it yet). We’re currently building fiber links across the province to connect your community.

But you should see our heavy equipment rolling to your community in the coming weeks!

When can I get super-fast internet in my house?

We’ll be working as hard as we can to connect you. Trust us, we want to connect you as much you as you need it! 

Home installations will occur after construction, hopefully starting late summer!

Is there an installation fee?

Installation is free! Regardless of if you’re taking our world class fiber internet services, or just future proofing your home by connecting to the network with an access agreement.

How much does fiber-based internet service cost?

Northern Lights Fiber is committed to making premier technologies and high-speed internet accessible for rural communities like Valleyview. Check out our Products & Pricing page to learn more about our pricing.

Are there any data caps?

Because our network is built entirely out of fiber we don’t have any data caps. That means your data is completely unlimited!

The only time your data would be limited is if you use your internet access in violation with our terms of service.

What is the age requirement for the seniors discount?

The age requirement for Northern Lights Fiber is years 70 and older. Please select and submit your internet package. You will receive a call back from a Customer Service agent, and please be sure to tell them your eligible for the seniors discount!

Do I have to sign up for a 2-year contract?


We have month-to-month plans that are only $15 more per month. But if you sign-up for a 2-year contract, we will give you FREE electronics (valued at $250.00). 

Keep in mind these electronics are world-class – not only providing Canada’s fastest residential internet, but also providing Wi-Fi6. This is the latest (and greatest) in Wi-Fi technology!